Why is my water discoloured?

Why is my water discoloured?
If there’s been a burst or some works in your area, it’s possible that your water might be discoloured for a little while after the water comes back on.
This discolouration is caused when natural sediment in the pipe has been stirred up by the works.
If this happens, there’s nothing to worry about – the water is still safe to use and drink, and will look great again soon.
If your water’s not coming out crystal clear, here’s what you need to do to help flush the pipes:
  1. Turn off all taps in your home.
  2. Run your front garden tap for about 30 seconds.
  3. Repeat this step with your back garden tap.
If there’s been a big burst or major works in the area, sometimes it can take a little longer for the colour to clear up. So if you’ve tried the above steps and the water is still looking a little brown, there’s no need to run your taps longer. Just give it a little time – we promise your water will soon be coming out crystal clear again.
If you’re worried about water quality, our faults and emergencies team are available 24/7 to help you on 13 28 12.

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