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Why do I have to pay the Waterways and Drainage Charge?

The Waterways and Drainage Charge funds a range of projects that benefit the entire region.

Why do I get charged a Parks Charge?

The charge is collected annually because it is more cost efficient for the community than collecting it quarterly.

What type of properties do not have to pay the Parks Charge?

Land that is exempt from the Parks Charge includes public primary and high schools; local council parks and other recreational lands; properties classified as ‘farm’ by your local council

What parks in my area are supported by the Parks Charge?

Find a park, trail or other facility in your area that is funded by your Parks Charge contribution.

How are water prices and charges determined?

The price of water is determined through a process we undertake with the industry’s independent regulator, the Essential Services Commission (ESC).

Why do I have to pay the Parks Charge when I don't use any parks?

The Parks Charge ensures that our parks and other facilities are maintained and staffed for the enjoyment of future generations of Victorian families.